Reason Remote
support for Mackie
control surfaces
This document describes the Remote implementation for Mackie Control,
Extender and C4. For general information about how to use Remote in Reason,
please refer to the Operation Manual in the Reason program folder.
About Map Versions
The default mappings described below refer to the latest versions of the Mackie
Remote files (map version 1.0.6 or later). If controls don’t seem to be mapped as
described, please check that you have the latest Remote files installed.
To check the version of a Remote map file:
1. Navigate to
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Propellerhead
Software\Remote\Maps\Mackie (Windows) or
Library:Application Support:Propellerhead Software:Remote:Maps:Mackie
(Mac OS X)
2. Use a text editor application to open the .remotemap file in question.
3. At the beginning of the .remotemap file, look for the line that starts with “Map