Revision A
The CDM will display the message 10.0 2.0 REEL IND, where 10.0 (8+2.0) is the reel speed in mph and 2.0 is the header
index setting.
Knife Speed
The header
s knife speed should be configured so that a clean cut is achieved. The type of crop being cut and the cutting
conditions are important factors to consider when setting the knife speed.
When the header is first attached to the windrower, the windrower control module (WCM) receives a code from the
header that determines the knife speed range and the minimum speed. The desired speed can be programmed on the cab
display module (CDM) and stored in the WCM memory so the knife will operate at the original set-point after the header is
detached and reattached to the windrower. If no header code is detected, the CDM displays NO HEADER and the knife
speed reverts to the operator
s selection from a range of 800
1000 strokes per minute. Refer to the header operator
manual for the suggested knife speed for a variety of crops and conditions.
The knife speed cannot be programmed outside the range specified for each header.
The knife speed can be adjusted without shutting down the machine; however, the windrower should be stopped before
adjusting CDM settings.
To adjust the knife speed, refer to