Debounce - the amount of bounce filtering applied by the software. This setting may be increased to remove un
wanted trigger bounce.
Ball delay - this is a parameter used to give a paintball time to settle in the breach of the gun. If you have unex
plained ball breakage, then you may need to increase this setting.
Eye sensitivity - the sensitivity of the software to changes in your eyes. Please do not change this parameter unless
directed (default 10).
Forced shot - when enabled, this will allow the user to force a shot by holding the trigger in - even if the eyes can-
not detect a ball. Set this to off, if you would not like to use this function.
FSDO time - FSDO stands for First Shot Drop Off. If you leave your gun for some time, and the first shot is lower
than it should be, then you can use this parameter to correct it. This parameter is the time that the software waits
before correcting for FSDO.
FSDO dwell - this is the amount of extra dwell given to the solenoid to overcome FSDO - if directed to do so by the
above parameter.
Ramp semishots - this setting (and the other three below) is only used if you are using the Ramp firemode. This is
the number of semi auto shots which must be fired before ramping is allowed.
Ramp rate - this is the number of shots per trigger pull when in ramp mode.
Ramp ROF - this is the rate of fire which must be achieved and maintained to stay in ramp mode.
Ramp timeout - the amount of time the user can spend below the ramp ROF before ramping is exited.
Sound - turn sounds on or off.
Auto power off - save power by automatically turning the marker off after 30 minutes.
Load/Save profiles - Your marker has two profile save slots. Once you have your marker set up as you like it, go to
save profile and select one of the profiles. Hold the trigger in on the profile number you would like, and the cur
rent settings will be save to that profile slot. You can reload them at any time using the load profile option.
There is an option under load profile, to load factory defaults.
Version information and shot counter is shown on the final setting screen.
Using the USB connector
Your stock board has a mini USB connector on the bottom of the board to the right of the 9V battery. The USB
connectivity may be used to update your software via a standard USB/mini USB cable.
Your marker firmware requires MacDev software MDFlash V4 or above to update the firware.
Never update your board with software unless it has been downloaded directly from the MacDev website
(, the use of non genuine software on your stock board will immediately void your
entire marker warranty.