T imer Countdown
Since the time-out period can be set for 5
minutes to 12 hours, the time is displayed in
two different ways. For a countdown of less
than an hour, the display shows
minutes:seconds . The seconds count
down. For a countdown of more than an
hour, the display shows hours:minutes , the
colon flashes every second.
Fig. 3: Digital Timer Switch
Fig. 4: Timer Countdown Chart
Instruction Manual
According to the latest AORN guidelines, endoscope storage cabinets should not be placed in the medical
procedure room.
1. Place the scope cabinet in a separate clean and secure location close to the procedure room.
IMPORTANT: Clean and thoroughly disinfect the endoscope cabinet prior to its first use. Then afterward
follow a regular schedule for cleaning and disinfecting the cabinet.
3. For Power Vented models, plug the cabinet’s power cord into a 110V outlet. Set the timing of the Digital
Timer Switch (Fig. 3) to the desired setting.
Switch Setting and Operation for Power
Vented Models
The switch controls the fan operation. The scope cabinet is equipped
with a digital time switch that automatically turns the fan off after
a preset amount of time. The fan can also be turned off anytime
during the timer’s countdown by pushing the ON/OFF button. The
time switcher has four adjustable features: time-out period, time
scroll direction, time-out visual and audible warnings. See the Timer
countdown chart (Fig. 4).
Time-Out Period
The timer can be adjusted to hold the fan on for 5 minutes to 12
hours. The default setting is 3 hours. See the DELAY switch adjustment
procedure to set the length of the time-out period.
Time Scrolling
The user can manually and temporarily override the time-out period
without changing the DELAY adjustment. The SCROLL adjustment
determines whether the user’s override options decrease from a
longer time to a shorter time (scroll down) or increase from a shorter
time to a longer time (scroll up). To choose the scrolling direction,
consider the time-out DELAY setting, and then whether the usual
temporary need will be for more or less time.
Override Operation
Holding the ON/OFF button for longer than 4 seconds causes the
timer to scroll through time increments, starting from the time-out
DELAY setting. Releasing the ON/OFF switch resumes the countdown
from that point. The minimum override setting is 5 minutes, maximum
12 hours.
The timer resets automatically to the time-out DELAY setting when the
countdown runs out or the ON/OFF button is pushed.
Visual (Flash) Option
If this option is on, there are two occasions when the controlled lights
flash. They flash one time when the countdown reaches 5 minutes
and twice when the countdown reaches 1 minute.
Audible (Sound) Option
If this option is on, the timer beeps every 5 seconds during the last
minute of the time-out period.