Instruction Manual
Connect Drain Pipe to Drain and Plumbing to Water Lines
Local building or plumbing codes may require modifications to the information provided. You are
required to consult the local building and plumbing codes prior to installation. If the information provided here
is not consistent with local building or plumbing codes, the local codes should be followed. This product must
be installed by a licensed contractor in accordance with local codes and ordinances.
This hot water master tempering valve cannot be used for tempering water temperature at fixtures. Severe
bodily injury (i.e., scalding or chilling) and/or death may result depending upon system water pressure changes
and/or supply water temperature changes. ASSE standard 1016, 1069 or 1070 listed devices should be used at
fixtures to prevent possible injury.
This hot water tempering valve is designed to be installed at or near the boiler or water heater. They are not
designed to compensate for system pressure fluctuations and should not be used where ASSE standard 1016,
1069 or 1070 devices are required. These valves should never be used to provide “anti-scald” or “anti-chill”
The components of the system must be of materials with a construction capable of withstanding the high limit
output temperatures of the water heating source.
Need for Periodic Inspection and Yearly Maintenance:
Periodic inspection and yearly maintenance by a
licensed contractor is required. Corrosive water conditions, temperatures over 200°F, unauthorized adjustments
or repair could render the valve ineffective for service intended. Regular checking and cleaning of the valve’s
internal components and check stops helps assure maximum life and proper product function. Frequency of
cleaning and inspection depends upon local water conditions.
Plumbing Install Instructions
Plumbing Installation should be in accordance with accepted plumbing practices. Installation and field
adjustment are the responsibility of the installer.
1. Flush all pipes thoroughly before installation.
1. Connect sink drain pipe to drain connection.
2. Close both hot and cold water shutoff valves upstream of the tempering valve.
3. Bleed pressure from the system.
Route copper tubing or piping to fit valve dimensions.
5. Remove tailpieces from the valve and make sure union nuts are over the tubing/piping before connecting
to the tailpiece.
A. Note: If soldering, remove unions and gaskets from valve body prior to soldering to prevent damage to
valve from excessive heat.
Flush piping again, install valve using filter gasket on hot and cold water inlets and fiber gasket on mixed
water outlet.
7. Turn on the cold and hot water. If any leaks are observed, tighten connections as necessary to stop leaks
before proceeding.