• Grooving
Stop the machme. move the clutch bar
t.o sawmg pos1t1on.
Repeat sawmg process by changing position of the
single saw blade The sawing depth can be
determined by lifung up the bench of circular saw.
Leading and locaung can be achieved by making use
of the lead bar. It may be fitted to the left or right side of the saw blade.
• Rabbet & Chamfering
Preparation: Stop the machine, move the clutch bar
to sawing position.
Fit the rabbet tool. adjusting skims and the
chamfenng tool to the planer tool spmdle
consequently. Alter the distance between two tools
through random c.:ombinauon of several adjusting
skims. Var
the height of the circular saw bench to
determine the cutting depth. Var
ing the distance between two tools, you can get various
chamfers with different size .The lead board may be mounted on the left side as required. In
special case, the supporting beam mounted at the middle part of the circular saw bench may be
mounted inversely.
• Square Mortise Chiseling
The square chiselmg drill must be sharp enough.
Keep certain gap between the back cone of the drill
and inner cone of the hollow chisel while mounung
up the square chiseling drill. and make sure that the
drill and the spmdle of the planer ·.tool are in good
coa.xial. Move the mortise chiseling board so that it is
vertical to the spmdle of the planer tool. Feed the
drill on both side of the wood piece. It is essential to feed the wood piece in stage. Withdraw the
tool before further cutting. Be careful not to enter completely the chip room on the tail end into
the wood piece. For convenience of removmg the chip. the drill must be withdrawn frequently.
The dnll must be d1smounted at once if other mortises are not desired.
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• Circular or Wai&t Shape Hole Drilling
Dismount the �upportmg stands oi the square: chisel
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Adjust the mort1se-chiselmg bench to
height. MO\·e the moruse ch1schng leaning board
lhilt il is vntirnl to the. ;;pmdle of lhe tool planer. For
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