Carry and lay them slightly. Try to put the machine at a extensive and arid place and make it
stable then fasten it.
On behalf of carriage, some of the machines are packed with small packing box; In this case, the
customer must mount up the several dismounted parts in accordance with the stages and means
showed below.
Mount up the front and back pillars as v,:ell as the transfer system as Fig. l showed. Connect the
front pillar 8 and the back pillar 18 with the pu II rod l. It is enough co screw down the nut for the
moment. Mount the main body on the pillars, align the threaded hole, and then fasten them with
bolts. Screw down the nuts on the two ends of the pull rod. Thus the distance between the two
pillars at the free state can be determined.
Mount up the speed change mechanism 3 as Fig. l sho\,,ed. not to thread the bolts. fit cham
15,V-belts 9 and 4, be sure that the degree of the t1gh mess of the belts is moderate. After that.
keep the two vertical planes of bearing base of the transfer lean against the right pillar
IOclosely,then thread the bolts to fasten the bearing base. Then fit the protective hood 2 on it.
Fig. l D1c1gram of P:!l�rs and T�anskr Svstem
I Pull Rod 2.Protecring Hood .3 Transfer Mec:ha:.lsrr. -4 ".'-Bel: Z-lOfconstant leng1h 1038) 5
Hex-Head Bolt MS •
6.Flat Washer 8-140HV i
�lotor .':\.Front Pl!!ar 9 \'-Bel: Z·H(constam leng:h l l-+21 10 Right Housing Sheet l l.81g.
Sprocket 12 Front Bench Plane 13.Back Bench Plane 1-4 Tensloncr 15
Cham 12
74 16 Turing Rod 17
Slotted Half
Cu� Hl!ad Serl!w M5
q� 18 Bacl< Ptltar \ 9 flllt "<1,�1�t1�r lo, l �OtlY �o Hex Nut :-ill 'J J l 1.01;k Hancllc