surface planer. The operator should sufficiently make use of the protecting board. Don
dismount it willfully.
• Press-planer
Stop the machine, move the clutch bar
lo planning position
The staff of the press-planer thickness must be
calibrated frequently by the practical size of the
test-planed wood piece. Before the change gear is
put into gear. pull the V-belt with your hand: rum
the handle so that the gears mesh each other in
mobility. The planer depth must be determined correctly according to the quality and \vidth of the
wood piece to be planed. If the wood piece is fairly heavy, humid or hard, the operator is
encouraged to pull the wood piece slightly to aid feed process. In case of lot production of the
same wood piece, you had better fi..x the bench of press-planer. The transfer gears must be out of
gear when press-planer process is over.
• Large Rabbet Cutting
� €3
� �
lg /
. �
On both flanks of the planer tool body, the end edge of
one of the three-planer tools should be shifted to the
same height as the step face of the rabbet to be cut or
0. 05mm prolonged. Lower the front bench plane to
height of depth of the rabbet desired .The lead board
must be parallel to the stejJ face Dismount the left protectmg board of planer tool if the desired
rabbet is cm the left side. Othenv1se dismount the right one 1f the desired rabbet is on the nght
side. Meanwhile, dismount saw bench and saw blade. then mount series the base of circular sa\v,
adJustmg skims to the spindle of the tool planer and compress them with nuts.
• Sawing
Stop the machine. move the clutch bar
to sawing position.
The separating tool must be aligned with the circular
saw. Adjust hood of circular saw to a right pos1t1on
according to thickness of the work piece. Generally.
you d better move the bench plane of circular saw to
a height 0
5mm to l mm higher than back plane. You can make fu!J use of the lead bar to
guarantee sawing quality. Take proper feed speed and force according to thickness. humidity and
hardness of the wood piece while sawing. Be careful to avoid over speed or force. lest the saw
would be over burden the motor or olher parts damaged.