m2m Germany GmbH | Am Kappengraben 18-20 | 61273 Wehrheim | 06081 5873860
set to change DST (default: none).
No time sync
set to disable time synchronization request (default: enabled).
Normally sensor asks for a time sync at every power on (uplink starting with 01) or, if enabled, once a week.
Please check chapter 2.1
set for unconfirmed uplinks (default: confirmed uplink).
Led Off
:set to disable the system leds (default:
Input counter
: set to enable the pulses counter funcion (default: disabled).
Single join/day
: set for to allow only one join per day (default: multiple join allowed).
Counters period [min]
: if counter enabled, this is the interval (in minutes) between one measure and the next one. The
sensor sends one measures
for every transmission. Value can be between 1 and 255 minutes (default: 0 minutes). Period
interval can be set with App or with downlink command.
I/O period [min]
: if different from 0, this is the interval (in minutes) between one I/O messages status and the next one.
Value can be between