M2I Corporation Industrial HMI Touch Panel HW Installation Manual
M2I Corporation
M2I Bldg, 35-11, Jeonpa-ro 24beon-gil, Manan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, 430-857, Korea. Tel :+82-70-465-3366,Fax:+82-31-465-3355 www.m2i.co.kr
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Chapter 9. Products and Warning Label Location
1. TOPRW0500WD
2. TOPRW0700WD / TOPRW1000WD
Chapter 10. Products Label
Manufacture (AS): M2I Corporation
M2I Bldg, 35-11, Jeonpa-ro 24beon-gil, Manan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, 430-857
Product Name: Industrial HMI Touch Panel
Model Name:
TOPRW□□ □□ □□
Operating Temp: -10 ℃ ≤ Ta ≤ +50 ℃
Power Specifications: TOPRW05/07…. 24Vdc, 12W / TOPRW10…..24 Vdc, 15W
KC Certificate No.:
Inside Cell: Model Name MS920SE (Rechargeable lithium Battery/irreplaceable)
Serial Number:
Copyright: M2I corporation 2018.1
M2I Bldg, 35-11, Jeonpa-ro 24beon-gil, Manan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, 430-857, Korea
Product Label
Do not changed the SD Card when energized.
Do not connect or disconnect all cables when
Do not changed the SD Card when energized.
Do not connect or disconnect all cables when
Product Label