BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Look over all the DRAWINGS to get familiar with the various parts and assem-
blies in the system. Tools handy for assembly process: screwdriver, 11/32”, 7/16”, 1/2”, 9/16” and 5/8”
spin-tites, end wrenches and/or sockets, and a measuring tape.
All installations are unique in some way, which means it's OK to preassemble certain hardware, or
rearrange the assembly process to meet specific site requirements. A quick review of the assembly
drawings should help firm up the appropriate strategy. Please remember to double-check all hard-
ware for tightness BEFORE it becomes inaccessible.
One container of zinc paste (Penetrox, Noalox, or equiv.) has been provided to enhance and
maintain the quality of all mechanical and electrical junctions on this system. Apply a thin coat
wherever two pieces of aluminum come in contact or any other electrical connections are made.
It is also useful on screws and bolt threads as an ANTI SEIZE compound.