• When Power On is done when (PTI] switch is being pressed, then Transmit is not
possible, and "TX" icon and the Channel Indicator blink: as long as [PTT] switch is
• The example of the display, when Power On is done is shown.
-> After 2 seconds ->
(Configuration code)
(Channel number)
8.3 Volume Level setting
- Tum the Volume knob clockwlse to Increase the volume.
- Tum It counter-clockwlse to decrease the volume.
8.4 Squelch Level setting
- To fitter out weaker signals and background noise, tum Iha (SQ) knob clockwise
Increase the squelch level.
- To decrease Iha squelch level so you can hear weaker radio signals, tum the [SQ]
knob countar-clockwlsa.
8.5 S/RF Meter
Shows the s1renglh of the received slgnal or the RF output.
- RF Meler: Measures RF Output Power for transmlllar. Preu (PTl] swffch to read trans
mftHng power.
- S Matar: Measures Incoming signal strength.
8.6 ANL Function
ANL (Automatic Noise Limiter} is a function to suppress a white noise of AM Mode
automatically. The ANL function is built-in, and ANL always work:s at AM Mode
8.7 RF Gain Control
(RF GAIN] knob Is used to adjust sendltvlty (RF Gain) for receiving.
- It Is adjusted to RF Gain Down when this knob Is turned to the counterclockwlse