HDBaseT Performance Testing
The HDBaseT Performance overview gives the user a live overview of the signal passing
through the MS-TestPro for both MAX ERR and MSE ERR on both Transmitter and Receiver
modules. The tester can be switched between TX and RX by using the selection switch at
the top of the screen as highlighted above.
The 4 coloured lines that work their way across the screen from left to right indicate the live
signal flow across each of the 4 twisted pairs in a CATx cable over a 30 second period.
• RED -
pair A (pins 1 & 2)
• BLUE -
pair B (pins 3 & 6)
pair C (pins 4 & 5)
pair D (pins 7 & 8)
The orange and red dotted lines are performance thresholds (where in view) which indicate
that the link is unstable once crossed (orange line), to the link being faulty (red line). The
thresholds for TX and RX are constant for the MAX ERR as this is an absolute value where
0 is no errors, and 1 is the threshold of the error correction being exceeded above the
capabilities of the technology.
The thresholds for MSE ERR are dependent on Cable Profile, Pixel Clock speed, and Cable
Length. The orange and red dotted lines will dynamically adjust based on these variables to
give as true reflection of the system under test.