MagniLink AIR - Mac
User Manual 7946397 | MagniLink AIR - Mac
Alt + S
Toggle column selector
Activates or deactivates the column selector. When the
column selector is active, only those columns that are
intersected by the column selector are OCR-processed.
fn + Ctrl + Alt + F5
Save documents
fn + Ctrl + Alt + F6
Open documents
Cmd + C
Copy text
Copy all text in the text view to the Clipboard. It is then
possible to paste the content of the clipboard into
another program, such as a word processor.
Cmd + V
Paste text
If the user has copied text from another program, this
text can be pasted into the text view. This command
replaces the existing text.
Cmd + Alt + V
Paste and add text
Works like the previous command, but the text is
added to the existing text.
Switch between camera view and text view
If a text has been OCR-processed, this command
switches between camera view and text view.
Display mode
Switches to display mode for OCR-processed text. The
available display modes are: "page view", "row view",
"word view", "image view", "image and word" and
"image and row".
Silent mode
Switches to silent display mode. There are two silent
modes. One where the text moves horizontally on a
line and one where the text moves vertically in a
Start/Pause reading
If no reading is currently in progress, reading starts,
otherwise reading is paused.
Stop reading
This command stops the reading. The next reading will
begin from the start of the text.