Redundant I/O Modules
Initial Operation – Hardware
Connecting One Channel Modules via the L-Bus Interface
2. Connect the DIOLINE 20 redundant
modules via the L-Bus Interface.
3. Switch on the power.
4. The “LB“ LEDs are green.
The devices are ready for operation.
Abb. 2: L-Bus Master
Abb. 3: MVB Buscoupler with I/O Modules
If connecting one channel modules to
the redundant modules, the ribbon
cable can be stressed. For protection it
is possible to place a braided wire
sleeving around the ribbon cable.
Fix the braided wire sleeving by a cable
Do not pull the cable strap too tight.
It can damage the ribbon cable and
cause short circuits. The short circuits can cause errors in the whole system. We
recommend to fix the cable strap with a distance of 15 mm between cable and
cable strap.