free use PMR-446 FREE PROFESSIONALS of the market (see appendix: TABLE 56
Even if from origin the TL-88 is supplied with 56 channels/memories preprogrammed,
the transceiver is capable of memorizing by means of its easy and free programming
soware up to 128 channels
(attention: these 128 channels/memories will be always
combining the 8 authorized frequencies for free use with the sub tones that dispose
the equipment, in this case 38 analogical sub tones (CTCSS) and 208 digital (DCS) ones,
giving a total of more than 1900 different combinations to use or store in its 128
memories. See section advanced options index (soware), page 54).
B - Frequency Mode
The frequency mode is not so common in this type of equipments, but the TL-88 can
operate in it showing the complete number of working frequency (which is what
corresponds to a memorized channel) within the authorized 8
(remember: that
combining the sub tones you also have in this mode over 1900 different combinations).