Working Modes
The TL-88 is able to work in three ways:
A-Channel Mode, B-Frequency Mode, and C-Radio
FM Mode.
A-Channel Mode
It is the most common working mode of the transceivers for FREE USE PMR-446. The
display shows the channel number and the top le the CTCSS tone.
Selecting and using appropriate channel whether it needs the combination of sub
tones, the TL-88 is compatible and able to communicate with any equipment PMR-446
of free use of the market, in any segment: professional, semi-professional or
economics of the consumer market (we recommend to read attentively the appendix
USE OF THE WALKIE AS PMR-446 BASIC that you will find in the page 74), even this way
the TL-88 is supplied from factory with 56 channels (memories) preprogrammed, these
56 channels / memories are directly compatible with the majority of equipments for
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