Acuity LS
Page 11
Operating Manual #OMA20200327
Pause Data Logging
– Suspends automatic data logging and instructs the Acuity LS device to
remain in low-power sleep mode.
Download Data Log
– Retrieves all stored data from the Acuity LS device. Selecting this button
will open a dialog window to save the downloaded data. The default filename includes the Acuity
LS device serial number, date, and time of the download. The green indicator will blink while the
data transfer is in progress. This may take several minutes.
Delete Data Log
– Permanently deletes all stored data on the Acuity LS device. Selecting this
button will open a dialog window so that the user may confirm or cancel this request. The green
indicator will blink until the deletion is complete. This may take several minutes.
NOTE: this command has no effect on other stored settings, such as system time, logging
interval, etc.
CAUTION: this command will permanently erase all test data from the Acuity LS device.
Switch Acuity LS Device
– Allows the user to connect a different Acuity LS device without
restarting the interface utility software.
System Check
– Instructs the Acuity LS device to immediately take a set of measurements and
display the results in the parameter fields below in the main screen. This command is used to
verifying system operation. System check can be used to confirm if time is correct, check
remaining battery life, and verify sensor responses. This process takes about 20 seconds to
complete. Points collected using this command are stored in the Acuity LS memory, but
otherwise this command does not affect data logging.
Clock Synchronization
Each Acuity LS device has an internal real-time clock that maintains device time using Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC+0).
NOTE: User should make sure the connected computer time is accurate before synchronizing the
Acuity LS clock.
The user is prompted to synchronize the Acuity LS device time with the computer time whenever starting
a data log or downloading data (Figure 9). Use the Acuity LS interface program to synchronize the Acuity
LS device clock with the connected computer clock.
Figure 9. Acuity LS device and computer time comparison window when starting the data logging or
downloading data.