RF Mux 1.0 User’s Manual
2 RFMux Software
Switch settings are controlled using SCPI commands that can be issued via the RF Mux USB or Ether-
net (TCP/IP) interface. Additionally, a touch sensitive display can be used for manual switch control.
2.1 Operation using the GUI
Switch channels can be selected by pressing any input or output button. As shown in Figures 4 and 5,
selecting an input allows choosing either output or "OFF", selecting an input allows choosing any of
the twelve inputs or "OFF".
The active switch path are highlighted by the GUI, the number of switching cycles is shown in the
representations of each RF relay. The GUI will update in case of remote operation.
Figure 4:
Manual channel selection via input button
2.2 Operation using SCPI commands
Section 4 details all SCPI commands. The commands »:OUT«, »:OUTA« and »:OUTB« are used to
connect both or a single output to any of the twelve inputs. The commands expect the input number,
between one and twelve as parameters. Specifying zero will turn the respective output off.
The »:CNT?« command can be used to check the number of switching cycles for each RF relay.
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