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Lumenera Camera User's Manual
Release 6.8.1
maximum limit to the trigger pulse width. This signal is floating and MUST be driven at all times when being used. The
signal status can be obtained by using the LucamGpioRead() function.
This signal is floating and MUST be driven at all times when being used. The signal status can be obtained by
using the LucamGpioRead()function.
This signal is floating and MUST be driven at all times when being used. The signal status can be obtained by
using the LucamGpioRead() function.
This signal is floating and MUST be driven at all times when being used. The signal status can be obtained by
using the LucamGpioRead() function.
VCC Output:
This optional feature allows the camera to output a 3.3 V DC signal on Pin 16. The camera can source up
to 50 mA of current from this pin. This feature is only available on Lw-based cameras that have been ordered with this
option available. This feature is not available on existing Lu-based cameras. The large format cameras, mini cameras
and GigE Vision cameras do not have this signal available on the external I/O connector.
Ready Signal
The ready signal is an output signal that is raised when camera is ready to accept trigger. This signal only has meaning
when using camera with hardware trigger, however it will still produce when using camera in software trigger. The
signal will be available on GPIO2, so GPIO2 pin need to be configure as an output. In order for the signal to work, the
trigger polarity need to be set so trigger are intercepted on rising edge. This signal does not interfere with the SOF
signal, so it is possible to have the Ready signal and the SOF signal at the same time.
The signal is supported by listed product:
Lt345, Lt545, Lt945, Lt1245, Lt365, Lt665, Lt965, Lt1265, Lt16059, Lt29059, Lt425
To enable the feature use the existing API:
LucamGpioConfigure(hCamera, 0x02); // Setup GPO2 as output
LucamGpoSelect(hCamera, 0); // Disable GPIO on GPO2
Taking a Single-Frame Snapshot with the Camera External I/O Interface
The Lumenera LuCam API makes use of several of the External Interface Header pins automatically; when the Take
Snapshot related functions (those that use the LUCAM_SNAPSHOT structure) are called with certain options (see the
LuCam API documentation for more details). The LUCAM_SNAPSHOT structure allows the setting of the following
parameters that control the taking of a snapshot and the timing of triggers:
Trigger Mode (useHwTrigger):
There are two types of snapshot triggering, hardware and software. When enabled, the
snapshot will be triggered when the trigger input signal is detected after a Take Snapshot API is called (the API blocks
until it times out or until the trigger occurs and the frame of data is returned). When disabled, the API function itself
triggers the snapshot and returns the frame of data. The hardware trigger is expected on Pin 9 of the External Interface
Header as described above. The software trigger is initiated from within the API Take Snapshot functions (for more
details see the API documentation.)
Trigger Delay (exposureDelay):
A delay in milliseconds from the trigger (hardware or software) to the start of frame
exposure can be set.
Strobe Mode (useStrobe):
In concert with either triggering mode, a user may also trigger an external strobe light
synchronized to the frame exposure. When this parameter is enabled, the strobe signal pulse will be initiated on Pins 1
and 3 as described above. In this case, a strobe delay should be defined.
Strobe Delay (strobeDelay):
A delay in milliseconds from the trigger (hardware or software) to the strobe pulse (rising
edge for ACTIVE HIGH, falling edge for ACTIVE LOW) can be set.
Exposure Time (exposure):
The length of time in milliseconds to expose the image before readout begins.