2. Communication Parameter Selection
2.1 Address Setting :
This screen applies to the RS 485
output only. This screen allows
the user to set RS 485 address
for the meter.
The allowable range of
addresses is 1 to 247. When
entering new address, it will
prompt for first digit.
Press the “ ” key to advance to next digit.
Address confirmation Screen
This Screen confirms the
Address set by user.
Press the “ ” key to advance
to next Screen “Rs485 Baud
Rate” (See Section 2.2)
Pressing the “ ” key will re-enter the “Address
Edit” mode.
(* Denotes that decimal point will be flashing).
Press the “ ” key to scroll the value of the first digit
Similarly, Enter second and third digits of address.
After entering third digit, press “ ” key to advance
to Address Confirmation screen.
This screen allows the user
to set Baud Rate of RS 485
port. The values displayed
on screen are in kbaud.
Pressing “ ” key accepts
the present value and
advance to the Parity
(See Section 2.3)
2.2 RS 485 Baud Rate :
Pressing the “ ” key will enter the “Baud Rate
Edit” mode and scroll the value through 4.8, 9.6
19.2, 38.4 & back to 4.8.
Pressing the “ ” key will select the value and
advances to the Parity Selection
(See Section 2.3).
This screen allows the user to set Parity & number
of stop bits of RS 485 port.
Pressing “ ” key accepts
the present value and
advance to Communication
Parameter selection screen.
(see section 2)
2.3 RS 485 Parity Selection:
Pressing the “ ” key will set
the value.
Pressing the “ ” key again will jump back to the
Communication Parameter selection menu
(see section 2).
: odd parity with one stop bit
no 1
: no parity with one stop bit
no 2
: no parity with two stop bit
: even parity with one stop bit
Pressing the “ ” key will enter the “Parity & Stop
bit Edit” mode & scroll the value through