VIA693/693A 74
It indicates the checksum of the BIOS code is not right and system will always
halt on power on screen. Contact the dealer to exchange new BIOS.
CMOS battery fails
It indicates the CMOS battery does not work. Contact the dealer to exchange
a new battery.
CMOS checksum error
It indicates the CMOS checksum is incorrect. Load the default values in BIOS
to solve this problem. This error may result from weak BIOS, so exchange new
BIOS if necessary.
Hard disk initialize
Please wait a moment…
Some hard drives require more time to initialize.
Hard disk install failure
The system can not find or initialize the hard drive controller or the drive.
Check if the controller is set correctly. If no hard disk is installed,
“Hard drive
must be set to
Keyboard error or no keyboard present
This means the system can not initialize the keyboard. Check if the keyboard
is plugged well and be sure no keys are pressed during power on self test.
Keyboard is lock out- Unlock the key
Normally when this message comes out, check if there is anything mis-placed
on the keyboard. Be sure nothing touches the keys.
Memory test fails
There will be more information to specify the type and location of the memory