LUCID Helios Flex Camera Technical Manual
to convert digital count to millimeter. For example, for a depth reading of 1000 digital count using
Coord3D_C16, the real-world distance can be calculated by querying Scan 3D Coordinate Selector
“Coordinate C” and Scan 3D Coordinate Scale “0.25”. Given the Scan 3D Distance Unit “Millimeter”, the
real-world distance is 1000 x 0.25mm = 250mm. The image data ordering is row by row in raster order.
The origin of the coordinate system is defined by: * The X and Y coordinates are zero at the center of the
lens optical axis. * The Z coordinate is zero at the front of the camera housing.
Amplitude Image (Intensity Image)
The intensity image shows the brightness of the reflected laser light pulses as values per pixel. Because
the wavelength of the light sent out by the camera has an influence on this, the intensity image may
differ from the human perception of the targeted scene. The intensity image is useful for checking the
image for over or under-saturated pixels. To avoid these, try changing the exposure time or the camera
position and check whether the image improves. The following pixel formats are available:
8 bit per pixel amplitude image
16 bit per pixel monochrome raw image
Confidence Data
The confidence value represents a measure of how reliable the depth data is. By analyzing the temporal
variations of the light pulse signal, a 16-bit integer value per pixel is generated. The higher the
confidence value for that pixel, the more reliable the depth measurement. The following pixel format is
Confidence map, 16 bits
ArenaFlex captures data in Coord3D_ABCY16s. ArenaFlex does not have an option to change
Pixel Format. Pixel Formats can be changed using ArenaFlex SDK only.