MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
February 1998
Learning More
Page 7-15
System Guides Information Finder
Table 7–2.
To learn about. . .
Check this guide. . .
Planning and Programming Features
Feature factory settings
Feature Reference. See entry for feature.
How features interact with one another
Feature Reference. Under feature entry,
see “Feature Interactions.”
How features interact with applications
Feature Reference, Appendix I
Feature programming codes
System Programming, Appendix D
Planning features on buttons
Feature Reference, Appendixes B and G
System Programming, Appendix E
Copying programmed telephone features
from one extension to another
System Programming, Chapter 5
Which system planning forms to consult in
order to find out how features are
programmed on your system
Feature Reference, Appendix B
Which system planning forms to change
when you modify or add features
Feature Reference, Appendix B
System Programming. Entry for procedure
you are using.
Which modes of operation support a
systemwide feature
Feature Reference, Appendix C
Programming special characters (Pause,
Stop, and others) in dialing sequences
Feature Reference, Appendix H
Which modes a feature is supported in and
which type of phone it works on
System Programming, Appendix D
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Which system planning forms to consult in
order to see how features are programmed
on your system
Feature Reference, Appendix B
Troubleshooting a feature when it doesn’t
work as expected
Feature Reference. Under feature entry,
see “Considerations and Constraints” and
“Feature Interactions.”
How features interact with applications
Feature Reference, Appendix I, and entries
for applications
Reports that offer details about a feature as
it is used on your system
Feature Reference. See entry for feature
and Appendix F.
System Programming, Appendix F
How features interact with one another
Feature Reference. Under feature entry,
see “Feature Interactions.”
Canceling Reminder Service calls
System Programming, Chapter 4
Continued on next page