Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS-6U Controller J85501E-1
Issue 4 August 1998
Introduction 1 - 1
This product manual, Select Code 167-790-045, describes the
J85501E-1 ECS-6U Universal Rectifier Controller. The basic
ECS-6U controller monitors and controls any combination of up
to six Lucent Technologies switchmode (SR) or Lineage
ferroresonant rectifiers and provides a single interface point for
power alarm and status reporting. When ordered with the
optional microprocessor and datalogger features, it adds the
latest technology in the product line to the battery plant.
When used with the optional Rectifier Adapter Board (RAB),
the ECS-6U controller allows rectifiers of various technologies,
vintages, and vendors to be tied together in the same battery
plant and can be used for retrofit applications in older Lucent
Technologies battery plants such as the 150 series, the 326
series, or the 111A. It can also be used to replace older
technology controllers in other vendors' battery plants.
Upgrading can be accomplished by placing the controller in a
supplemental bay or in the same bay as the original equipment.
Appendix A is a list of the various Lucent Technologies
rectifiers, both J- and KS-coded, that have the automatic restart
feature and are compatible with the ECS-6U.
The ECS-6U demonstrates Lucent Technologies' continuing
dedication to providing state-of-the-art energy systems
management products for all battery plants, both old and new.
The Lineage
2000 Battery Plant product line is designed to
provide battery-backed common system office voltages of
+24Vdc, -24Vdc, or -48Vdc in telecommunications
The ECS-6U controller is shown in Figure 1-1. A typical ECS
controller application is shown in Figure 1-2.