Lucent Technologies 60V Small Broadband Power System J85500Q-1
Issue 4 October 1998
Introduction 1 - 1
60-volt Cabinet
Power System
The low-maintenance, outside-plant 60-volt/60 Hz CPS
integrates advanced technology in a modular system. The
system delivers highly regulated, low-noise power over a wide
range of load currents and input voltages. Using switchmode
technology to process the power, along with forced-air cooling
in the rectifiers, results in a power unit characterized by high
power density, light weight, and an extended service life.
Lucent Technologies has developed the 60-volt, 60-Hertz Small
Broadband Power System to support the growing needs of
broadband video/telephony networks.
The single-shelf Cabinet Power System (CPS) houses one
rectifier and a Battery Polarity Switch (BPS). The rectifier uses
commercial ac power to produce 82 volts dc. The BPS converts
the 82-volt dc power to a nominal 60-volt ac @ 60 Hz output for
powering the broadband network.
In a fully configured system, the CPS shelf contains one (1)
ES664 rectifier and one (1) ES635 Battery Polarity Switch. In
addition to converting the rectifier output, the BPS provides the
alarm and control functions as well as the output distribution
circuit breakers and connectors.