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“Alarm” – The clock will respond “the alarm is set to (alarm time)
and say whether the alarm is on or off. Then it will play the
current alarm wake-up sound you have chosen.
“Set Alarm” – The clock will respond “tell me the time you want
the alarm to sound” and on first usage or after an error.
Here is an example of how to correctly say the alarm time:
Respond with the time you want the alarm to sound (for example,
“seven thirty A.M.”). The clock will respond “the alarm is now set
to seven thirty A.M.”
“Alarm Sound” – The clock will respond “to choose an alarm
sound, say ‘alarm one’ (chime), ‘alarm two’ (chirp), or ‘alarm
three’ (bell)."
Respond with your desired sound (for example, “alarm one”). The
clock will respond confirming the chosen alarm sound.
“Turn off the Alarm” – During the silences between alarm sounds,
use the command “turn off the alarm” to silence the alarm. This
command will turn off the alarm until the next day. The alarm will
turn off and the clock will r
espond “today is (current day, date,
time and temperature).”
“Sleep Sound” – The clock will respond “to choose a sleep sound,
say ‘sound one’ (water), ‘sound two’ (birds), or ‘sound three’