Fig. 6. Window of Tag Reading/Writing
Tag Reading
In case of EPC Gen2 Tag, there exist 4 kinds of Banks. Select the Bank that
you want to read at Bank.
Input a memory starting position (Start: Byte unit) of the corresponding you
want to read and the size to be desired from a starting position to the window.
Click the [Read] button.
The [Reading] status is displayed like the below picture and the [Read] button
is displayed as [Stop]. If you want to stop, click the [Stop] button.
The status is continuously maintained until reading is successful or reading is
stopped by clicking the [Stop] button by a user.
If it is complete, data read at [Tag Memory] is displayed (hexadecimal number),
and the Status displays [Reading OK].
Fig. 7. Tag Reading
Memory Bank
Position to start
reading or writing
Size to be read
or written
Data to be read
Data to be