Transmitter Unit
The Light On The Keypad Display Does Not Come On When A Key Is Pressed
• Perform a battery charge (see pg. 8), and check for a light after 30-minutes.
• If the display still does not light, check the charging power supply by plugging the power/charg-
ing supply used for the pager charger into the transmitter unit.
• If the display light comes on, there may be a problem with the T9550LCK power/charging sup-
ply. Call LRS Customer Support to order a new power supply.
• If the display still does not light, there may be a problem with the transmitter unit. Call LRS Cus-
tomer Support for assistance.
The Keypad Display Is Functioning Properly But The Pager Does Not Receive the Page
• Perform a system reset (see pg. 7).
• Complete the steps for paging a pager (see pg. 6).
• If the pager still does not receive the page, call LRS Customer Support for assistance.
Pager Charge Lights Do Not Come On
Pager charger should display a single red charge light when they are placed in the charger, and are charg-
ing correctly. If the red charge light is not visible on some or all charging slots, review the following recom-
mendations to determine and solve the problem.
• Make sure the pagers are completely inserted into the charging slot.
• The power supply may be defective. Try plugging the power supply used for the transmitter
into the pager charger.
• You may have more pagers charging on one power supply than recommended. Only 25 pagers
can be charged on one 10V power supply. If you have more than 25 pagers, you should call LRS
to order additional chargers.
• You may have a jumper wire that is not properly connected. Look on the side of your chargers
and verify that all wires are connected properly. If they are connected, then the metal contacts
on your pager may be dirty. Using a damp rag, clean the 2 metal contacts on the back of each
• Be sure that your staff is not disconnecting the power supply at anytime or that you do not have
the charger connected to a circuit that automatically shuts off after hours. The charging base
should be plugged into a power outlet that is “ON” at all times (Be sure the pager is not in the
charger backwards).
• If none of these recommendations solve your problem, call LRS Customer Support to deter-
mine the problem at 800-437-4996.
Long Range Systems
T9550 LCK User Manual