LIP-ME20X User Manual
Version 7.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
22 tcp: This port is opened by the SSH server. The port can be changed and disabled.
23 tcp: This port is opened by the Telnet server. The port can be changed and disabled.
80 tcp: This port is opened by the Web server. The port can be changed and disabled.
161 tcp: This port is opened by the SNMP server. This port is disabled by default. The
port can be changed.
443 tcp: This port is opened by the secure Web server for HTTPS. It can be disabled.
2002 tcp: This port is opened by the Wireshark protocol analyzer front-end. This port is
disabled by default. The port can be changed.
4840 tcp: This port is opened by the OPC UA server. This port is disabled by default.
The port can be changed.
5900 tcp: This port is opened by the VNC server, if it is enabled. This port is disabled
by default. The port can be changed.
9.4 Services
Required services:
BACnet/IP: Primary function of the device. This service is in accordance with the
standard ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2010.
Optional services not necessary for the primary product function. They can be disabled as
described in the installation instructions in Section 9.1:
HTTP: Web server. It provides a Web-based configuration UI. The Web UI can be
disabled after setting up the device.
FTP: FTP server. It is used for firmware upgrade and access to the log file.
Telnet: Telnet server. It provides access to the device console menu over the network.
SSH: SSH server. It provides secure access to the device console menu over the
HTTPS: Secure Web server. It provides a Web-based configuration UI using HTTPS.
VNC: The VNC server can be used for remote access to the LCD display on devices
that have it. The service is disabled by default.
OPC UA: This secure service provides access to data points over the OPC UA
standard. The service is disabled by default.
SNMP: SNMP server. It provides network management information on the device used
by standard IT tools. The service is disabled by default.
Wireshark front-end: The Wireshark protocol analyzer may connect to this service and
retrieve online protocol analyzer logs. The service is disabled by default.
9.5 Upgrade Key Strength
The secure services (HTTPS, SSH) rely on certificates to authenticate the device against the
connecting client. This is key to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. The device comes with
pre-installed server certificates. It is recommended to upgrade the pre-installed certificate to
an individual server-certificate and use stronger key length.
Server certificate (for HTTPS, OPC UA): Follow the instructions in the LOYTEC
Device User Manual [1] Section 3.2.29 Certificate Management on how to upgrade the