LIP-ME20X User Manual
Version 7.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Figure 6: Safe reboot screen suggesting new IP address.
Another new feature that helps getting logged in again is the session auto-login. After a
device has rebooted the Web interface restores the session and automatically logs in again.
Even when changing a static IP address the device tries to connect to the new IP or suggests
links for opening the device info page under the new IP address.
Backup before Upgrade
The firmware upgrade feature has been made safer by creating a backup before executing
the upgrade. This feature has been added to firmware and Configurator upgrade paths. It is,
however, optional and can be turned off by deselecting the check box.
Figure 7: Backup before Upgrade on the Web interface.
4.3 New in LIP-ME20X 6.0.0
This section describes the major changes and new features. For a full list of changes refer to
the Readme file.
BTL Testplan 12 Certified
The BACnet certification of all BACnet models has been updated to comply with protocol
revision 12. All new device models are now BTL certified.
4.4 New in LIP-ME20X 5.3.0
This section describes the major changes and new features. For a full list of changes refer to
the Readme file.
New Models LIP-ME201C, LIP-ME202C
This firmware release supports the new models LIP-ME201C and LIP-ME202C. The LIP-
ME202C is a BACnet/IP router with two MS/TP ports. Both models have an LCD display,
dual Ethernet and a built-in firewall.