L-Switch User Manual
Version 6.0
LOYTEC electronics GmbH Subnet/Node Learning
The subnet/node learning algorithm supports segmentation of the network traffic on a
subnet/node basis. Thus, the user does NOT need to take care of any subnets spanning
multiple physical channels. Even when a node is moved from one channel to another, the
L-Switch XP keeps track and modifies its forwarding tables accordingly.
All messages with a destination subnet/node address not yet learned are forwarded to all
ports! Group Learning
The L-Switch XP supports group learning. Groups can span multiple L-Switch XP ports.
Group learning only works for messages using acknowledged or request/response service.
All messages with a destination group address not yet learned are forwarded to all ports! Broadcast Address Learning
The L-Switch XP has no learning strategy for broadcast addresses.
As a result, all subnet or domain wide broadcasts are forwarded to all ports
. Unique Node ID Address Learning
The L-Switch XP has no learning strategy for unique node ID addresses.
Node ID addressed messages are forwarded to all ports.
4.1.2 Repeater Mode
The L-Switch XP can be configured to operate in a repeater mode, where all messages are
forwarded to all ports regardless of the address format.
To put the L-Switch XP into repeater mode the following steps need to be performed:
Set the L-Switch XP into repeater mode (switch OFF subnet/node learning and group
learning) by setting DIP switches 1 and 2 in the appropriate position (see Figure 12).
The forwarding tables must be reset by pressing the status button for at least 20 seconds
(see Section 5.5).
Figure 12 shows the proper DIP switch settings for repeater mode, assuming all other DIP
switches remain in the factory default position.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 12: DIP switch settings to enable repeater mode for an L-Switch XP
Firmware versions 2.0 and up allow to disable subnet broadcast flooding. Please contact
LOYTEC support if you need to enable this feature!