RF line
GB/T17626.3: 3V/m
80MHz-2.5GHz: 3V/m
80MHz-800MHz: d= 1.2P
80MHz-2.5GHz: d= 1.2 P
With the following meaning:
P - the maximum output power of the transmitter specified by the manu
facturer, unit: W;
d - recommended distance, unit: m;
The field strength of fixed RF transmitters must be determined by measur
ing "a" of the electromagnetic field and should be lower than the compli
ance level for each frequency range. Interference may occur in the vicinity
of equipment marked with the following symbol.
Note 1:
For the frequencies 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the formula of the
higher frequency band is used.
Note 2:
These guidelines do not apply in all cases. Electromagnetic prop-
agation is adversely affected by absorption and reflection from buildings,
objects and human bodies.
For fixed transmitters, such as base stations of mobile phones (cellu
lar/cordless phones) and ground mobile radio, amateur radio, AM and FM
radio and television broadcasting, the field strength can theoretically not
be predicted accurately. In order to correctly assess the electromagnetic
environment of fixed RF transmitters, the measurement of the electro
magnetic field should be considered. If the measured field strength of the
high-flow device is greater than the RF compliance level specified above,
the therapeutic device should be observed to verify normal operation. If
normal operation is not possible, additional measures may be required,
e.g. readjusting the direction or location of the high-flow device.
Within the entire frequency range from 150 kHz to 80 MHz, the field
strengths should be less than 3 V/ m 1 .
Recommended distance between portable and mobile RF communica
tions equipment and high-flow equipment:
The high-flow device is intended for use in an electromagnetic environ
ment with controlled radio frequency interference. Depending on the
maximum output power rating of communications equipment, the buyer
or user can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining the