Device menu description
Frequencies generator - Frequencies generator settings
1. Program 1 – selection of preset program number 1.
Hz => kHz> - List of preset frequencies in Hz.
kHz => Hz> - List of preset frequencies in kHz.
2. Start - Initial Frequency of Program nr. 1.
3. Start unit - The order of the set start frequency of program number 1 in
Hz or kHz.
4. Stop – the final frequency of the program 1, if it is identical with the first
frequency, a constant frequency will be generated.
5. Stop unit - The order of the set final frequency of program number 1 in
Hz or kHz.
6. Length - Duration of generating the set frequency of program number 1
or the time of tuning of the entire set frequency range.
7. Launch generator - Starts the program generator number 1 and then
continues to other programs (number 2,3,4,5) if they have set
8. Program 2 - Selection of preset program number 2.
Hz => kHz> - List of preset frequencies in Hz.
kHz => Hz> - List of preset frequencies in kHz.
9. Start - Initial Frequency of Program nr. 2.
10.Start unit - The order of the set start frequency of program number 2 in
Hz or kHz.
11.Stop – the final frequency of the program 2, if it is identical with the first
frequency, a constant frequency will be generated.
12.Stop unit - The order of the set final frequency of program number 2 in
Hz or kHz.
13.Duration – Duration of generating the set frequency of program number
2 or the time of tuning of the entire set frequency range.