Lombardini IM 250 Workshop Manual Download Page 29



Détai I  de  la  Fig.  90. 

1  - Boitier; 2 - Bague de retenue; 3 - Cloche externe; 4 - Bulon; 
5  - Cloche  embrayage;  6  - Roulement; 7  - Disque  d'embrayage; 
8  - Mécanisme;  9  - Manchon  et  roulement;  10  - Ressort;  11  -

Douille;  12  - Bague  de  retenue;  13  - Roulement;  14  - Arbre; 

15  - Clavette. 

L'embrayage  est  apte  soit  pour  accouplement  direct  soit  par 

courroie. La  charge  maxi.  admise  pour  accouplement  par  cour­
roie est  100  Kg. avec  porte-à-faux  de  35 mm.  de la  surface  d'ac­
couplement  et  avec  poulie  de  0  primitif  de  90  mm.  Il  est  ac­
tionné  par  un  levier  maintenu  dans  les  positions  de  branche­
ment  où  de  débranchement  par  un  petit  levier  à  encoches. 
L'embrayage  peut  ètre  monté  uniquiment  sur  moteurs  avec 
prise  de  force  conique. 


Remplacer  les  roulements  à  billes  en  cas  d'un  excessif  jeu  ra­

diai  au  d'endommagement  de  la  piste  et  des  billes.  Pour  l'ex­

traction  se  servir  des  outils  7271-3595-28  et  7070-3595-26.  Le 






diamètre  de  l'arbre  doit  ètre  25+




mm,  et  n'est  pas 

rectifìable.  Le  disque  de  l'embrayage  doit  ètre  exempt  des 
rayures  ou  des  fèlures.  L'épaisseur  doit  ètre  3-;- 2,80  mm. 
L'épaisseur  du  materie!  de  frottement  est  de  1  mm.  pour  cha­

que  coté.  Remplacer le disque si l'épaisseur du  materiel est  infé­
rieur  à  0,3  mm.  pour  chaque  coté. 


Si  le ressort est  lézondée  ou s'il  y  a  une  perte  d'élasticité, rem­
placer  le  mécanisme  (8). 


Monter  la  cloche  externe  (3)  sur  le  carter  distribution,  la  blo­
quant  avec  6  écrous.  Monter  la  cloche  embrayage  (15)  sur  le 

vilebrequin  et  serrer  à  2  Kgm.  le  boulon  de  fìxage  (4).  Monter 

avec «  Lctite »  le  roulement  (6)  sur  la  cloche  embrayage.  Mon­
ter le disque d'embrayage (7) et le mécanisme 


sur la cloche (5) 

en  le  centrant  sur  les  goupilles  élastiques  de  référence.  Monter 
sur  le carter  (1)  le vilebrequin  (14)  complet  de  roulement  (13) 
et  de  douille  (11). 

N.B.  Remplir  1 /3  du  logement  du  roulement  (13)  avec  graisse 

Monter  sur  le  douille  (11)  le  palier  de  boutée  (9)  complet  de 

manchon et ressort et engraisser l'accouplement douille-manchon. 

Monter  le  carter  (1)  complet  sur  la  cloche  externe  (3)  serrant 
les  boulons  à  2  Kgm.  Enregistrer  le  jeu  entre  le  mécanisme  et 

le  palier  de  butée  en  agissant  sur  l'arretoir  du  levier.  Le  jeu 

du  levier  à  vide  est  2,5 


0,5  mm. 




Components  (Fig.  90). 

1  - Case; 2  - Oil seal; 3  - Housing; 4 - Bolt; 5- Clutch  beli; 6-
Ball  bearing;  7  - Clutchdisk;  8  - Clutch  device;  9 - Sheat  and 
thrust  bearing;  10  - Spring;  11  - Manifold;  12  - Oil  seal;  13  -
Bali  bearing;  14 - Shaft;  15  - Key. 

Clutch  is  suitable  either  for  direct  drive  or  V-belt  drive. 
Maximum  V-belt  bending  load  on shaft is 100  Kg  and  distance 

from  pulley  center line te  coupling  face must net exceed 35 mm. 

with  the  pulley  pitch  diameter  equal  te  90  mm.  Clutch  is 

operated  through  an  arm  kept  in  the  engaged  or  disengaged 
positions  by  a  lever,  bearing  notches  for  the  purpose.  Clutch 
can  only  be  fìtted  te  engines  provided  with  tapered  P.T.O. 


- Replace  bearings  if radiai  play  is  excessive  or  if balls and  ball 

races are damaged.  Use pullers 7271 _3595_28 and 7070-3595-26 
te  remove  bearings. 






- Shaft  diameter  must  be  25+



and  is  net te  be ground



Clutch  disk  must  be  free  from  scores  or  cracks.  Disk  thick-
ness  must  be  3-;- 2.80  mm. 

Thickness  of  friction  materiai  is  1.0  mrn  on  both  sides. 

Replace  clutch  disk  if  friction  materiai  thickness  i�  less  than 

0,3  mm.  on  both  sides. 


lf  springs  are  damaged  or  have  lost  elasticity,  replace  clutch 

device  (8). 


Fix  housing  (3)  on  the  case  cover  by  means  of  N  6  screws. 

Mount  the  clutch  beli  on  the  crankshaft,  torquing  the  bolt  (4) 

at 2.0  Kgm.  lnsert  ball-bearing  (6)  in its housing of  beli,  fìxing 
it  with "Loctite" retaining  compound.  Mount  clutch  disk  (7) 
and  device  (8)  on the  clutch  beli  (5)  centring  it  by means of the 
elastic  reference  cotter  pins.  Mount  shaft  (14)  with  ball  bear­
ing  (13)  and  manifold  (11)  in  the  case  (1). 

Note:  Fill  1/3  of the  ball-bearing  housing  with  grease  AL VANIA 
3  SHELL. 

Mount  the  sheat  (9)  complete  of  thrust  bearing  and  spring  on 

the  manifold  (11)  lubricating  with  grease.  Assembly  the  case  (1) 
this  way  completed  with  the  housing  (3)  torquing  the  bolt  at 
2  Kgm.  Adjust  the  gap  of  the  device  by  means  of  the  lever 
bracket.  Free  lever  gap  must  be  2.5 ±  0.5  mm. 



Benennung  der  Teile  (Abb.  90). 

1  - Gehause;  2  - Dichtring_;  3  - Aussere  Glocke;  4  - Bolzen; 

5  - Kupplungsgslocke; 

- Kugellager;  7  - Kupplungscheibe; 

8  - Kupplungslenkung;  9  - Kugellager  und  Hi.ille;  10  - Feder; 
11  - Hohlniete;  12  - Dichtring;  13  - Kugellager;  14  - Welle; 
15 - Keil. 

Die  Kupplung  ist  fi.ir  Direkt  und  Riemenantrieb  geeignet.  Die 

maximal  zugelassene  Radiallast  durch  Riemenantrieb  betragt 
100  kp  bei  einem  Vorsprung  von  35  mm.  i.iber  der  Kupplungs­
flache und einem  Durchmesser  P  der  Riemenscheibe von 90 mm. 

Sie  wird  durch  einem  Hebel  betatigt,  der  in  aus- oder  einge­

kuppelter  Stellung  durch  einem  Kerbenwinkelsti.ick  erhalten 

wird, Die kupplung kann nur auf Motoren mit konischer Kraftab­
nahme  angebracht  werden. 


- Bei  i.ibermassigen  Seitenspiel, oder  werin  die  Kugeln  oder  die 

Laufbahn  beschadigt  sind,  Kugellager  erstzen. 

Zum  Abzieben  Abzieher  7271.3595.28  und  7070.3595.26  be­


- Durchmesser  der  Welle  muss  25+0,



mm.  sein;  er  darf 

nicht  geschliffen  werden. 

Die  Kupplungsscheibe  muss  3-;- 2,8  mm.  sein.  Dicke  des 

Reinbungsstoffes  ist 1 mm.  auf jeder Seite; bei  Reibungsstoff­
Dicke  von  minder  als  0,3  mm,  Kupplungsscheibe  erset;;:en. 


- Falls  Feder  beschadigt  ist,  oder  sie  Elastiztat  eingebi.isst  hat, 

die  ganze  Kupplungslagung  (8)  ersetzt  werden  muss. 


Aussere  Glocke  (3)  am  Gehause  durch N  6  Muttern  befestigen. 

Inne re  Glocke  (15)  and  der  Kurbelwelle  anbauen;  Bolzen  (4) 

mit  2  kpm  anziehen;  Kugellager  (6)  im Glockengehause  einset­

zen  wobei  es  mit  « LOCTITE »  sichern;  Kupplungsscheibe  (7) 
und  Lenkung  (8)  auf  der  in nere Glocke  anbauen; sie  durch  den 
elastichen.  Bezugssplinten  zentrieren.  Welle  (14),  samt  Lager 
(13)  und  Hohlniete  (11),  auf  dem  Gehause  (1)  anbauen. 

Bemerken:  Ein  Drittes  von  Lagergehause  mit  AL VANIA  3 
SHELL  Schmierfett  fi.illen. 

Hi.ille  (9)  auf  Hohlniete  (11)  anbauen  samt  mit  Drucklager  und 

Feder,  wobei  mit  Schmierfett  Schmieren.  Das  vollstandige 
Gehause  (1)  auf  der  ausseren  Glocke  (3)  anbauen;_ Bolzen  mit 

2  kpm  anziehen.  Getriebesspiel  durch  Sicherungsblech  des 

Kupplungshebels  einstellen.  Leerlauf  des  Hebels  muss  2,5-;-

0,5  mm.  sein. 

Fig.  90 


Summary of Contents for IM 250

Page 1: ...serie IM monuel d atelier workshop monuol werkstotthondbuch servt Ce _ _ _ ___ D ___ __ ____ ...

Page 2: ...3 Benzin Pétrole IM 302 7 9 5 4 4 5 1 5 5 6 5 3 600 1 51 2 300 Kerosene Petroleum Essence IM 350 7 9 5 7 6 1 7 8 3 600 2 03 1 800 Gasoline Benzin Essence IM 351 82 66 349 5 3 7 6 1 5 5 6 5 2 400 2 03 1 800 Gasoline 23 Benzin Pétrole IM 352 7 9 5 4 4 5 1 6 5 7 5 3 600 1 87 1 800 Kerosene Petroleum N B Sauf indicacions contraires les régles de réparations sane valables pour cous les moceurs de la sé...

Page 3: ...omplaints that may be encountered during the service ife o the engine Be ore attempting disassembly or making any rep acement always check the easiest and most obvious things irst Die Tabelle enthalt die wahrend des Betriebes am haufìgsten auftretenden Stbrungen In jedem Fall ist es empfehlenswert vor der Demontage oder dem Auswechseln die einfachsten Kontrollen systematisch durchzufLlhren CAUS E ...

Page 4: ...s may be found in the Master Parts Manual ENGINE IDENTIFICATION Engine type is marked on the plate placed on the air shroud The serial number is generally punched on the crankcase cast ing below the throttle contro assernbly Fig 1 ENGINE PLACEMENT Bolt engine on to overhauling stand using engine rnount threaded holes on carburettor side DISASSEMBLY Disassemble tank silencer air cleaner pulley and ...

Page 5: ...pring from governor lever When disassembl ing case cover pay attention to gasket between crankcase and cover CAMSHAFT To remove the camshaft Disassemble breaker push rod Match timing marks on crankshaft and camshaft with piston at T D C of compression stroke Turn engine upside down and withdraw the camshaft With drawal of camshaft may be accomplished with engine in normai position by inserting a s...

Page 6: ...ves 5 Spring plates 6 Springs 7 Spring locking plates 8 Tappets 9 Cylinder head VALVES GUIDES SEATS After disassembling and descaling with a wire brush check condition of valves and rep ace if valve mushrooms are out of sha pe cracked or too worn To reuse slightly worn valves we recommend restoring seat area D with a 45 valve grinder Dimension of va ves guides and seats after assembling in crank c...

Page 7: ...ve or a pilot drift We recommend having this job done by a skilled MACHINING SHOP Seat and valve grinding or replacement always require lapping VALVE SPRINGS Check if springs are damaged or have lost their elasticity Spring free length must be 40 5 è 41 5 rnm H Fig 11 Springs compressed under a load of 17 0 è 17 5 Kg must have a length of 24 mm Repiace springs for lower length values CRANKCASE BRE...

Page 8: ...beyond 0 10 mm rebore to next oversize and install oversize piston and rings as per dimension table PISTON AND RINGS Measure piston skirt diameter at 2 mm from base perpendi cularly to gudgeon pin Fig 17 Skirt wear not to exceed 0 05 mm Piston oversize scale mm Series Nominai 1 st Oversize 2 nd Oversize IM 250 69 87 69 89 70 37 70 39 70 87 70 89 IM 300 75 89 75 91 76 39 76 41 76 89 76 91 IM 350 81...

Page 9: ...amaged On electric started engines flywheels are not interchangeable with the standard type When replacing see the Master Parts Catalogue RING GEAR Ring gear is fìtted to the flywheel of engines equipped with starter motor Check for worn or damaged teeth lf necessary replace ring gear as follows Heat up ring gear along inner circumference using a gas heating torch and remove from flywheel with a p...

Page 10: ... or grinding make a Magnaflux check of the shaft to detect surface cracks After clearing or grinding the hardness of the journals should be SO è 55 Rockwell cf bel ow this value grind to next undersize or replace shaft Radius of shaft fillets must be 2 7 è 3 0 mm and journal surface must be neatly finished with out helical grooves and have a roughness of 0 2 è 0 4 micron Crankpin and end bearing d...

Page 11: ...the series Camshaft with automatic decompressor The automatic decornpression device is fitted to camshafts of engines equipped with rewind starter or eiectric starting The device makes starting of the engine easy allowing flywheel to pickup momentum being the exhaust valve kept open Page 18 and 19 As camshaft rotates faster centrifugai force knocks decom pressor device off and the engine starts Ch...

Page 12: ... spring tension is established with consequent change of engine speed Governor Check Check gear governor weights and their housings for burrs Axis of weight pins must be perpendicu ar to gear axis Drive rod surface on which weight skids work must be smooth and normai to the hole Play between drive rod and journal must be kept within 0 10 0 20 rnrn Should play be higher replace drive rod LUBRICATIO...

Page 13: ...eam of air rushing through idle passage ldle rnixture adjustement screw 4 is to set best slow running speed Fig 34 C Acceleration when slightly increasing throttle opening vacuum at the idle channel is partly destroyed Fuel feeding from idle port almost stops A small hole progression hole 5 communicating with the idle channel provides a fuel supply as soon as the throttle valve 2 starts to open Fi...

Page 14: ... turn freely Spindle diameter must be 5 975 7 5 988 mm Replace spindle if diameter is smaller or if spindle to housing clearance exceeds 0 20 mm At fully closed position of the throttle valve distane from idle discharge hole to the valve face should be 0 04 è 0 06 mm replace cover for different values Check that choke valve is not worn and that butterfly fully turns throughout its travel Fig 37 Ch...

Page 15: ... high tension ignition current by rapidly stopping flow of current in the primary winding Components in Fig 40 1 Spark plug 2 Stop pushbutton spring 3 Stop push but ton 4 Condenser 5 Armature 6 lnductor magnet 7 Crankshaft 8 Cam follower 9 Breaker 10 Flywheel 11 Pushrod 12 Armature core 13 Camshaft Checks Coi check with an ignition coil tester spark gap replace if found faulty Electric circuits sp...

Page 16: ...lli cw 4 N cw 2 N Bosch w 10 A w 12 A Champion L 90 KLG F 50 Clean spark plug electrodes using a wire brush and remove dirt with compressed air Reset electrodesgap to 0 7 0 8 mm Fig 45 Replace spari plug every 300 hours and whenever insulator is cracked or ground electrode is badly worn Breaker Check breaker points replace points assembly if contact tips are badly burnt or damaged A light oxide co...

Page 17: ...ly unwound rope Rewind starter tension with completely wound rope must be 1 2 1 5 Kg after initial friction has been taken up Fig 47 Replace spirai spring 7 if found broken Spare springs are supplied coiled up and tied with wire Do not remove wire until spring is correctly seated and mak e sure that spring winds up when turning pulley in direction of engine rotation ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Electrical...

Page 18: ... 7000 9727 01 Fig 50 Rest one end of tool horizontally on rnagnet poles Hold tool slider on casing rnatching rnarks C and A Let slider free if it is not pulled in by the rnagnet rotor is demagnetized and must be replaced Chech that stator windings have no unsoldered connection burn marks or earthed wires replace stator if faulty With an Ohrnmeter check for continuity between alternator leads and f...

Page 19: ...ter motor The motor type is AMERICAN BOSCH 11277 28 MO 20 SM 0 22 HP output Fig 55 shows rating curves P starting torque M R P M and voltage V at starter motor terminals in relation to current absorbed Amp and battery capacity at 20 C ambient tem perature For repairs and overhauls contact BOSCH service Stations Battery The 12 Volt battery must have a minimum capacity of 36 Ah at the ten hour disch...

Page 20: ...ce a 0 5 mm diameter copper wire te act as fuse Connect a 15 Amp D C ammeter in series between termi nal 8 30 on regulator and battery positive terminal Fig 57 lf necessary start engine a few times or switch lights on unti battery tension drops below 13 Volts Diagram in Fig 58 shcws current values Amp referred te engine speed A and starter generator speed B with a constant 12 5 Volts battery volta...

Page 21: ...attery charge Wiring diagram and components for 12 V 50 Watt alternato Fig 61 1 Armature winding 2 lnductor 3 Rectifying bridge 4 Battery not supplied 5 Utilizers 6 Keyswitch Connect lights for a totaI current absorbtion of 48 50 Watts and set engine speed at 3600 R P M Tension should be approx imately 12 Volts easily detected by observing the light bright ness lnsert a 5 10 Amp D C ammeter betwee...

Page 22: ...gm when engine is equipped wi th alternator OIL SEALING RINGS Seals must be replaced if marks of burns or cracks and sealing faces are detected Always renew seal rings when disassembling bearings P T O side CRANKSHAFT Heat ball bearing in oven to 120 7130 C and press it in For checks and replacements see pag 11 Mount cranksaft complete of ball bearing into crankcase placing on the threaded end the...

Page 23: ...TIMING Piace piston at T D C and turn crankcase upside down to insert tappets lnsert camshaft with thrust face flat section facing tappets only position for assembly of shaft Fig 70 and return crankcase to upright position Match timing marks on camshaft gear and drive gear On engines equipped wich rewind starter or electric Harter assemble camshaft with automatic decompressor lf gears do not bear ...

Page 24: ...sert it changing meshing position unti correct value is obtained IGNITION Coil and breaker lnsert the pushrod on its seat of the crankcase Mount pushrod plate and breaker tightening the three screws Set maximum opening gap of points to 0 65 0 70 mm by acting on adjusting screw of stationary contact Assemble ccii without tightening bolts Connect a timing light to switch on when points are closed Tu...

Page 25: ...ening nuts to 4 Kgrn Spark plug torque to 3 5 Kgm Starter motor where provided tighetening nuts to 1 0 Kgm Airshroud Head cooling air baffle Carburettor and rnanifold assembly after tielink and spring have been connected to the throttle contro lever Torque nuts to 0 8 Kgrn Connect breather tube to air cleaner and assernble air cleaner Throttle housing hanging up again the springs to the car burett...

Page 26: ...Fig 80 and act on valves untiI a circular mark is 0btained on the white paper Tighten nut D Fig 80 avoiding to move the valves Adjust gas outflow with engine stopped acting on adjust ing screw A Fig 81 Connect a pressure gauge to out flow elbow and see that gas pressure dces not exceed 10 15 mm of water column Similarly with soap foam applied to outflow see that bubble made by gas swalls slowly if...

Page 27: ... 11 Housin Reduction gear P T O rotates anticlockwise i e same dire tion of engine P T O Reduction gears are suitable either f g e or direct or Kbelt drive Maximum Kbelt bending load on sh3ft end is 100 Kg and distance from pulley center line coupling face must not exceed 35 mm with the pulley pit to eh diameter equa to 90 mm Check nd Replace ball bearings if radiai play is excessive or if balls a...

Page 28: ...y Diameter 74 94 74 97 104 93 è 104 96 Out of round a b 0 005 Heat ball bearing in oven to 80 C and press it into gear shaft Assemble gear in the case and lock it with stop plate Tighten stop plate screws to 0 8 Kgm Fig 88 Side clearance bet ween gear face and stop plate must be 0 10 7 0 15 mm Fit pinion 9 on crankshaft torquing bolt to 2 0 Kgm Assemble housing 11 on engine case cover inserting it...

Page 29: ...e remove bearings 0 017 Shaft diameter must be 25 0 008 and is net te be ground_ Clutch disk must be free from scores or cracks Disk thick ness must be 3 2 80 mm Thickness of friction materiai is 1 0 mrn on both sides Replace clutch disk if friction materiai thickness i less than 0 3 mm on both sides Note lf springs are damaged or have lost elasticity replace clutch device 8 Assembly Fix housing 3...

Page 30: ... play is excessive or if balls and ball races are demaged Use pullers 7271 3595 28 7070 3595 26 to remove bearings Shaft diamete must be 29 99 30 00 mm and is not to be ground Centrifugai unit housing must have a smooth surface free from projecting burrs and roughness Housing diameter is 100 0 100 1 mm Out of round limi t i 0 05 mm Fig 92 External face of centrifugai unit must not be rough and sho...

Page 31: ...overhaul test may last 90 minutes Start the engine and gradually open choke valve Far engines operating on kerosene fuel start engine on gasoline and warm up far approximate y 2 minutes before turning shut off valve to kerosene feeding position Set and keep engine speed at 2 000 R P M for 10 minutes Accelerate engine repeatedly to ascertain that throttle valve and linkages work smoothly Never oper...

Page 32: ...TTING OF MAXIMUM SPEED Accelerate engine fully and check that maximum idle speed is 3750 è 3800 RPM 2550 2600 RPM for IM250 engines for IM251 engines Adjust screw B Fig 97 accordingly to set maximum speed to above values and tighten its lock nut RUN IN During fìrst 10 hrs of engine operation apply load progressively without exceeding 70 of maximum rated power Note Mentioned adjustement is valid fo...

Page 33: ...e Wrap engine in a plastic sheet Store engine in a dry piace possibly off the ground and away from high power lines Permanent protection over 6 months After procedure as above has been followed we recommend taking further precautions namely Treat rnoving parts with anti rust oil with MIL L 21260 P10 grade 2 SAE 30 characteristics such as ESSO RUST BAN 339 or Valvoline Tectyl 873 Turn engine and dr...

Page 34: ...ine Operation Sloping sense Discontinuous Continuous Longitudinal 4011 35 Transversal FLYWHEEL DYNAMIC MOMENTUM The flywheel dynamic momentum is 1200 Kgcm2 EXHAUST Exhaust back pressure depends on muffler restriction Ma ximum permissible back pressure must be 60 mm of mercury column taken on manifold between flange and muffler END THRUST ON POWER TAKE OFF End thrust in both directions must not exc...


Page 36: ...nt Elektrische AusrLlstung lnstallation démarreur et alternateur Starter mo tor a ternator Anlage mit Anlassmotor und Dreh Stromgenerator Installation avec dynastart Starter generator An lage mit Lichtanlasser lnstallations éclairage Lighting alternator Licht Anlage mit Drehstromgenerator MONTAGE ET MISE AU POINT ASSEMBLY AND TUNING ZUSAMMENBAU UND EINSTELLUNG VI lntroduction Einleitung Bati Crank...

Page 37: ... I n intermotorS JlO la LOMBARDINlcompanyl liW 02100 RIETI ITALY Casella Postale 107 Tel 0746 72 041 intermotor Telex 612595 lmotor Mod 334 700 I 1 84 ...
