Logitek mixIT Audio Console System/JET67 Manual
Set the Source Surface number to 1 (there is only one console).
Set the Source Bus. This is the mix you are removing audio from. Usually this is program.
If this is a stereo mix minus, Set Stereo to yes. If it’s a mono return feed, leave this as no.
NOTE: if you set a mix minus bus to stereo, the next mix minus bus in the list will not be
available as it is being combined with this bus to create 2 channels of audio.
The final choice is “Add Mic When Off” or “Bus Always On.” Add Mic When Off is usually
used for telephone hybrids. When the telephone fader that’s associated with this mix
minus is off, the console will send the talkback mic as defined in Surface Settings to the
caller. When the telephone fader is turned on and the caller goes on air, the console will
feed program minus the telephone.
Bus Always On is usually used with remote broadcast codecs. When selected, the
console will always feed program audio to the remote minus the codec. That way when
someone connects in the field they will immediately hear return audio and be sure
they’re connected.
Once you have saved this, the mixIT system will be creating a mix minus and when you route it
to an output you will hear the mix.
Things to remember: you can only assign one mix minus number to an input. If you assign the
same number to more than one input, all of those inputs will be subtracted from the mix. You
must turn on the mix minus here in the DSP settings page and either enable “add mic when off”
(and have a talkback mic defined in Surface Settings) or enable “bus always on” for audio to
come out of a mix minus output.