Emergency Wall Communicator
on the EWC, a voice announcement will inform you of the condition of the
battery. One of the following messages will be heard:
“Battery is ok.”
Check the battery condition monthly.
“Battery is low.”
The batteries should be replaced within the next weeks.
“Replace battery now.”
The 4 AAA batteries should be replaced
with 4 new AAA
alkaline batteries.
Please note: If there is no response after pressing the button for one second
or more, the batteries are dead and must be replaced
The battery should be tested at least monthly along with
the System Check outlined below.
System Check:
The gray button on the top left side of the EWC which is used to perform
the BATTERY CHECK, will also used to perform a SYSTEM CHECK.
Press and hold this button for more than four (4) seconds. One of the fol-
lowing announcements will be made.
“All systems are ok.”
This confirms the following:
Battery status.
The EWC is working.
The Base unit is working.
The Base unit is connected to a working phone line.
The EWC is within range of the Base unit.