SteP 2
- Place the Puller Cup over the nose of the dial,
which will self-center over the spindle. Use the provided
3/16” Allen wrench and firmly tighten the
3-pointed Hex head screws. Tighten pointed Hex head
screws until the start biting into the nose of the dial.
SteP 3
- Thread the Cup Handle onto the Puller Cup
and hand tighten.
SteP 4
- Thread the Spindle Bolt into the center of the
Puller Cup until it stops. The guide hole in the center of
the Spindle Bolt will accommodate a 1/4” high-speed drill
bit. The dial is aluminum and zinc alloy so it is very soft.
The best approach to drilling is a sharp drill bit, low RPM
and moderate pressure. Hold your drill in one hand and
the Cup Handle in the other to insure the dial does not
spin as the drill is turning.
SteP 5
- There are two hardened set screws that hold
the dial onto the spindle, this will be the stopping point.
The depth from the face of the dial nose to the first set
screw is 7/32”. Using the Spindle Bolt as a guide, drill
into the Dial Nose until you feel a vibration, this is the
drill bit making contact with the first hardened set-screw.
Stop drilling at this point.
SteP 6
- Remove the Spindle Bolt from the Puller Cup
and replace it with the Puller Bolt. The Puller Bolt has
an extension rod that will make contact with the dial
spindle. Using a adjustable wrench or a 15/16” box end
wrench and holding firmly onto the Cup Handle, start
threading the Puller Bolt clockwise into the Puller Cup.
The dial will start separating from the spindle.