the X-locK DrIll GuIDe oPeratIon
The X-Lock drill guide has four drill points
mapped out. Hole P targets the pin on the
X-O7 lever. This will usually be the primary
drill point because the pin is located well
inside the diameter of the dial ring, making
repair much easier. Hole L targets the X-O7
lever screw which is usually the secondary
drill point since this hole is located near the
perimeter of the dial ring making repair a
little more difficult. Hole L targets the internal
relock device on all X-Locks. Hole M targets
the motor gear on the X-O8 and X-O9 lock,
which is the primary drill point for these locks
With the dial ring removed attach the drill
guide to the container using the 8-32x5/8”
cap screws provided. Notice the eight mount-
ing holes. The four inner most holes are for installation on a Mosler container, the four
outer most holes are for Hamilton, Overly HHM, etc.
The layout of the attaching screws will allow the drill guide to be mounted in four differ-
ent positions depending on the handling of the lock, vertical up (VU) vertical down (VD)
right hand (RH) left hand (LH). The drill guide is marked with an arrow and “Bolt Side”
stamped on it.
Spindle Knob
The Spindle Knob attaches to the spindle with a set screw.
Use the 3/32” Allen wrench provided to tighten the set screw
to the spindle. The Spindle Knob provides the turning torque
needed to dial the lock and to retract the bolt.