7000INST Copyright Lockmasters, Inc. 5/25/11
Step 4 – Position the Inside Base Plate Template
Close the door and align the Inside Base Plate template over the strike and level with
the indicated horizontal level line on the template. Make sure to keep equal clearance
around the strike. Attach the template to the door with masking tape. NOTE: If the
template hits the strike. You can either reposition the template or loosen the strike
screw and adjust the strike position and retighten the screw.
Step 5 – Position the Front Plate Template
Step 5A
– Make a small mark on the door’s edge in line with the horizontal level line.
Step 5B
– Use the combination square to transfer that level line around the edge of
the door.
Step 5C
– Use the combination square to extend that level line across the front of
the door at least 9”. This establishes a horizontal level line from the back of the door
around to the front.
If the door has a beveled edge, establish the high side of the bevel using the
combination square. If it has a bevel the square must be flat against the door and
flat against the high edge. You will see a gap between the door and the combination
square. (See Figure 2).
4 - Template - Center template & strike to allow
5a - Template - Extending Inside Base Plate (IBP)
horizontal line to the edge of the door.
5b - Template - Extending Inside Base Plate (IBP)
horizontal line to the edge of the door.
5c - Template - Extending level line around to the
front of the door.
Figure 2 - Establishing the high side of a bevel edged door.