SECTION 3.9 ~ 3.10
3.9 Fingerprint Scanning Tips & Troubleshoot
Tips for Fingerprint Enrollment and Recognition
• Place your finger to completely cover the sensor with maximum contact surface.
• Position the center of your finger (core) to the center of the sensor.
• Hold your finger still for more than a second until you hear a beep.
• Scan a finger that is clean and free from dirt.
• Children ages 12 and under are not recommended to use fingerprint access due
to the constant changes of their fingers during growth.
• Elderly with fading fingerprints may have difficulty in recognition.
• If your finger has a cut, scar, or cracked skin due to dryness, try another finger.
Troubleshooting Fingerprints
In case of poor fingerprint conditions
• If wet - wipe excess moisture from finger before scanning
• If dirty - wipe stains and dirt off from finger before scanning
• Make sure the sensor is clean from dirt or smudges - wipe sensor with soft cloth
For more troubleshooting help, visit http:// LocklyPro.com/support
3.10 Adding an RFID card
RFID cards can only be added through the APP, and a maximum of
RFID cards
can be added.
On the App Access Management, select RFID card then tap
"Add New RFID Card"