Operating information
Installation & Operation Manual
w/Power-fin CON•X•US Interface
Figure 10-1 Home Screen
The Home Screen displays the available basic system information. It is divided into the following sections: Status, System, Boiler,
Modulation, and Navigation.
• The
Section is located in the middle of the screen
and displays exterior sensor data. If hooked up it will
display the following: Outdoor Air, Hot Water Temp,
System Supply Temperature, and System Return
• The
Section is located in the lower middle of the
screen and displays sensor data for those sensors installed
in the factory as follows: Inlet, Outlet and
Delta Water Temperature, Outlet Water Temperature,
Flue Temperature, Flame Currents, and Premix Air
• The
Section is located on the right of the
screen and displays the target modulation of the unit.
• The
Section is located on the left of the screen and
displays how the unit is currently running (i.e. Off, Stand-
by, Blocking, and Lockout) including: the Power Button,
current driving demand (i.e. Space Heat or Hot Water),
the next Space Heat or Hot Water Setback scheduled, the
reason for any blocking or lockout, and the current set
point temperature with a button that allows you to
change the set points.
• The
Section is located across the top of the
screen. There are three (3) main sections located next
to the Lochinvar icon: Home, View, and Setup. The Home
Section is the screen shown above. The View Section
takes you to several screens that allows you to view sensor
data. The View Screens consists of Boiler, Modulation,
Pump, Cascade, BMS/BAS, Graph, History, and Service
Notes. The Setup Screen has several screens to aid in
setting up the boiler. The Setup Screens consist of Set
Points, Rapid Setup, Advance Setup, HW Night Setback,
Service Maintenance, Service Notification, and BAS. There
is also a HELP button located on the right side of the
screen along with an expanded HELP option (About, Save/
Load Parameters - also known as Loch’n Link, System
Update, and Wifi Setup).