Installation & Operation Manual
Set space heating set point temperature
During normal operation, space heating set point
temperatures can be adjusted from the Home Screen by
pressing the DETAILS button on the bottom of the screen
(see FIG. 9-4).
1. To change a set point, use the set point slider feature
or the PLUS (+) and MINUS (-) buttons
to adjust the set points as shown in FIG. 9-4.
2. Once the set point has been adjusted to the desired
setting, press the SAVE button to save changes to the set
point and return to the Home Screen.
The SAVE button must be pressed to ensure proper
programming of the controls. Failure to press the SAVE
button will require all changes to be reprogrammed.
Set space heating operation
Verify space heat circulator mode
The system pump output can be programmed to never run
(OFF), run only when a space heating demand is present
(ON), or run continuously except during warm weather
shutdown (WWSD). If the boiler is not heating an indirect
HW (Hot Water Generator) tank, it also turns on the boiler
pump. After the space heating call for heat ends, and the
system pump is programmed as ON, the system pump
continues to run for a short period of time. If the boiler
pump was running, it continues to run for a short period
of time as well. These pump delays are factory set to 30
seconds. If different delays are desired, the appropriate
parameters in the control must be changed. See the
Power-fin Service Manual for a detailed explanation of this
Figure 9-4 Set Point Screen