Figures 30 and 31: Network size and network ID and password parameters, respectively
Edit network ID and password
This tab (Figure 31) needs to be activated (by swiping the button to the right) to enable radio communication
between the nodes and the gateway. The user has to type the corresponding ID of the network and the password.
Advanced options
See the Radio specification chapter of the Gateway User Guide or Annex 01: LS G6 Gateway Radio Specifications
v1.8 for more details on radio models and settings.
Bear in mind that DLog saves and maintains Radio settings to simplify configuration of all the nodes in a network.
To modify these settings, Radio must be enabled again.
Step 6: Radio Signal Coverage Test
This is the final step in node configuration. DLog performs a signal coverage test to check the quality of
communication with the gateway. The gateway must have been previously connected and configured.
This test will check for correct connectivity between the data logger and the gateway. The data logger will send
some test packages. The Android app will then check on the gateway (using the Internet connection) for the
reception of these packets. Hence, the test will check for:
Correct gateway operation and communication