Figures 14, 15 and 16: Full Wheatstone bridge, Potentiometer/Ratiometric and Volt Single Ended sensors wiring diagram,
Full Wheatstone Bridge, Potentiometer/Ratiometric and Volt Single Ended are three types of signal output
compatible with Piconodes, along with Thermistors and Pulse Counters, As shown in the above images, all three
types of sensors are powered at 5 V dc through the Piconode. This is the maximum voltage the Piconode can
supply. This aspect is key to knowing if a sensor is compatible with the Piconode.
Figure 17: Available warm-up times
For each one of these types of sensors, a warm-up time has to be set. The value set by default, if not changed, is 5
ms. Other allowed values are 50 ms, 100 ms, 300 ms , 500 ms, 1 s, 2 s, 3 s, and 5 s. The user should refer to the
sensor’s manual to check which value is necessary or else contact the sensor supplier to get that information.
In case of sampling at a high rate, high values of warm-up time are automatically disabled. The user has to consider
that the higher the warm-up time, the higher will be the battery consumption. This is important in estimating the
battery lifespan.