LMI Corporation
Form: CA 183
R:\Quality\Calibration Instructions\G-WHIZ\CA 183 LMI G-
WHIZ User Guide.doc
Page 27 of 35
5.2 Starting and Performing a Test
With the door open to the first detent, press the PB to start a test.
The unit will display “WAIT” on the screen, followed by “READY.” The green LED will come on as
well. This indicates that the device is ready for the test to begin.
At this time, give the door a crisp, firm push to close it.
Be sure your hand comes off the door before
the door starts to engage the latch.
The velocity in meters per second (this is the default) will appear on
the display.
The user can then send the reading to the PC or retest the door. If AUTO RETEST is on, this decision
must be done prior to reopening the door or removing the unit. If the reading should be sent, press the
“Up” Arrow, if a retest is required, press the DOWN arrow and repeat the steps above.
Note: If the AUTO RETEST feature is ON, reopening the door will also typically initiate a retest.