Assembly instructions | LK Wired Room Control NC
The external sensor in placed as instructed below:
Embedding in concrete
Place the sensor in a conduit approx. 2 meters
into the room before embedding in concrete. Take
into consideration that the placement is at a re-
presentative point for the area that is going to be
adjusted. The end of the sensor is to be placed
between two fl oor heating pipes. Seal the end of
the conduit with tape or similar to prevent con-
crete from getting into the conduit. Try to place
the conduit as high as possible since this gives
a more optimal adjustment of the fl oor surface
temperature. The external sensor is slipped into
the conduit before pouring the concrete and is
connected to the room thermostat as instructed
LK Wood 22, LK XPS or LK Silencio
Mill a slot on the upper side of the board. Place a
conduit in the slot, end the conduit right between
two heat distribution plates. Take into conside-
ration that the placement is at a representative
point for the area that is going to be adjusted. The
external sensor is slipped into the conduit befo-
re laying the fl oor and is connected to the room
thermostat as instructed above.
Floor heating in secondary spaced boarding
Place a conduit right between two heat distribu-
tion plates, attach the conduit on the edge of the
secondary spaced boarding using a clip for con-
duits. Take into consideration that the placement
is at a representative point for the area that is
going to be adjusted. The external sensor is slip-
ped into the conduit before laying the fl oor and
is connected to the room thermostat as instructed
Place a conduit along the long sides of the fl oor
heating installation facing the nearest short end.
Saw an approx. 2 meters long slot in the EPS-
board and place the conduit in the slot. Take
into consideration that the placement is at a re-
presentative point for the area that is going to be
adjusted. The external sensor is slipped into the
conduit before laying the fl oor and is connected
to the room thermostat as instructed above.
Connect the sensor as follows:
1. Remove the internal temperature sensor, as per
the fi gure below:
2. Connect an external temperature sensor to ter-
minal 11 and 12 (refer to circuit diagram).
3. The supplied cable can be extended to the max.
cable length of approx. 50 metres. Use at least the
same cable area as the sensors when laying.
4. Avoid laying parallel (on cable runs) with po-
wer wiring.