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Assembly instructions | LK Wallbox UNI Push AX16 V2 and AX20
1.13. In cases where the wall box is connected with
LK PAL Universal Pipe dimensions 16 and 20 and
LK PE-X Universal Pipe dimension 20, the wall box
must be screwed from the back side in a beam so
that it can be dismounted. A service hatch should
be mounted behind the box so that dismount of
the wall box is possible.
Please note that LK PAL Universal Pipe
dimensions 16 and 20 and LK PE-X Universal
Pipe dimension 20 are not exchangeable. This
means that a hatch for service is necessary to
be installed.
1.14. If the wall cladding is of ceramic tiles, the
pipe membrane should be assembled behind the
tiles and connected tightly against the wall lead-
LK Pipe Membrane Wallbox Push
(Article no. 481 44 23) can be used. The sealing
layer contractor is responsible for the sealing
layer’s adhesive properties in accordance with
the industry rules.
If the wall cladding is of vinyl covering the sealing
layer contractor should be responsible for sealing
between the wallbox’s shank and vinyl covering.
1.10. Install the conduit clip in the 16 mm wall box
sleeve coupling. Ensure that the ends go through
the slot on the back of the sleeve coupling. Check
that the conduit is fixed by pulling on it.
1.11. Secure the conduit pipe close to the wall-
box (15-30 cm) and thereafter with at least
one fixation every other meter, using
LK Clip
Plastic for Sleeve Pipe
. For conduit dimension
25 mm (Article no. 188 07 62) and 34 mm (RSK
188 07 63).
1.12. The pressure testing plug is fitted and may
NOT be used for any other purposes besides
pressure testing. Remove the plug using a screw-
driver or a 25 mm box spanner. The pressure and
leakage check must be carried out according to
the Assembly instructions for LK PE-X, PAL and
PE-RT pipes.