Livox Avia
User Manual
2020 Livox Tech. All Rights Reserved.
Figure UTC Time Commands
GPS: GPS is a way to synchronize the data using the sync cable and UTC time. The PPS port logic is the same
as the PPS synchronization mentioned above. Users are able to send the UTC time of each pulse to the Avia
via SDK communication protocol. The logic of the UTC Time command is shown below. The timestamp of the
point cloud data stands for the UTC sampling time of the point cloud once GPS synchronization is in use. Refer
to the SDK Communication Protocols section for more information about commands.
t0=1000 ms
20 ms <t1< 200 ms
10 ms <t4< 500 ms
Status Codes
Both point cloud data and IMU data have status code information. The status codes display the current
working status of the Avia LiDAR sensors. By checking the status codes, users can see the temperature
status, voltage status, motor status, dust warning, service life warning, and PPS signal status. Status codes
can be viewed in Livox Viewer or the Livox SDK. Refer to the Livox Viewer User Manual for more information
about how to check status codes.
Temperature status
Indicates if there is any temperature abnormality. Temperature status includes normal,
warning, and error.
Voltage status
Indicates if there is any internal voltage abnormality. Voltage status includes normal,
warning, and error.
Motor status
Indicates if there is any internal motor abnormality. Motor status includes normal,
warning, and error.
Dust warning
Indicates if a significant amount of dust is detected on the optical window or if the
optical window is covered by objects.
Service life warning
Indicates if the LiDAR sensor is nearing the end of its service life. The LiDAR sensor
can still work for a short period once this warning appears. It is recommended to
replace the LiDAR sensor once this warning appears.
PPS signal status
Indicates whether the PPS sync signal is working normally.
Working States & Working Modes
The working states of the Avia includes initializing, normal, standby, power saving, and error.
Work Status
The LiDAR sensor is powering on.
Working normally
The LiDAR sensor is powered on and working normally.
The LiDAR sensor is powered on, but the laser beams are not active.
Power saving
All components are powered off apart from the communication module.
The LiDAR sensor will enter error status when an error is detected and all the
components are powered off apart from the communication module.