13. Error Messages and safety information
Error in Laser-Diode Control.
If the error occurs repeatedly, please contact our
service team.
Adapter not attached, or not attached correctly.
Rectify error by attaching missing adapter, resp. atta-
ching it correctly.
This display shows when the laser is being activated.
Indicated are laser output, the remaining therapy time
and the engery dose emitted in Joule (J).
Temperature at laser diodes > 55 °C. If CW-mode is
active, the mode will be switched automatically to
"multi frequency".
Temperature at laser diodes > 60 °C. The area laser
will be switched off automatically.
Error in laser diode activation (Laser output too high).
When this message is displayed, the output emitted va-
ries from the output selected. Laser output still can con-
tinue. This message may also occur due to reflection of
laser light on wet, reflective or mirror surfaces (i.e. wet,
sweaty, light or white skin or generally heavily reflecting
surfaces like light-colored metal surfaces or glass). So
it does not necessarily indicate an error of the device.
Please make sure that no reflective surfaces are being hit
with laser light. Should the error continue in spite of your
precautions, please contact our service.
Error in Laserdiode activation (Laser output too low).
Should this message be displayed repeatedly, most li-
kely a laser diode is defective.
Please contact our service.
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not detected
High Laser Power
Low Laser Power
21x50 mW
03:12 - 6.6 J
21x50 mW
11:00 - 0,05 J/LD
auto off